Sunday, October 31, 2004

if i was wrong then i was wrong

tonight i was a little bit frustrated. i was told some news that i didn't necessarily want to hear, but i'm sure i'd find out anyways. but it puts alot question into my mind about some people. i'm not even going to get into it though...

i went to a church picnic this afternoon, and met tim there. we ate, played soccer a little bit, then left. tim officially had the worst night of driving tonight, ever. he made so many..mistakes. anyways, we went to GPC and talked to some people there, then went and did stuff.

and then i went to the stumbo's to wait for anna to pick me up, and i talked to isaac and tim for awhile. and it was informative..

this song, night swimming (by R.E.M.) brings back so many memories.'s really weird.

[listening to: night swimming - R.E.M.]
[mood: pre-sleep]

some things never change

last night i went to katie's house, where we gave candy out to trick-or-treaters. it was pretty entertaining, seeing the different costumes. there were some really cute ones. i must say, sometimes i miss dressing up....sometimes. but caroline and i decided that we were dressed up as "weezer fans", since we both wore our weezer shirts without planning it.

we all took a long walk around the neighborhood, which was pretty fun. a little ways into the walk, i became really... quiet. every now and then i get into these moods, and i just...think. i didn't feel like i quite fit, where i was. i'm really not sure what it was, but i felt awfully unsocial... and i hate being that way. i just started thinking about the philippines... not that i'd rather be there. but i wouldn't not want to be. and that's confusing, so if you don't get it, don't worry about it.

i had about 15 other things on my mind besides the whole 'philippines/greenwood' thing. otherwise, i had a really great time last night.

after i got home, i had a long talk with caroline about stuff. i'm glad that...we talked. but it makes me wonder about some things. i don't know. i really can't explain it right now, so i'll just leave it alone, and hope that it will work itself out.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

i love taking pictures from my sister's photo album :) anyways, i just thought that this was worth sharing. Posted by Hello

hunting a pond-yeti

Yes, a Pond-Yeti. A Yeti that lives in ponds.

Last night, Fle, Ashby, and myself rode with Katie and Erin to Caroline Pinsons house. Clarke and Katie Fyock were also there, and Mary Beth rode over as well. Caroline (Clarke), Katie, Katie, and Ashby all rode off into the foggy night on the golf cart - by the way, this neighborhood that Caroline lives in is a semi-wealthy one, and the night is foggier than usual, making it all the more fun. Caroline, Erin, Fle, Mary Beth and I decided to walk around the neighborhood.

We ended up at this old cemetery. I don't know about you, but few things in this world scare me more than a foggy cemetery during night hours. As we entered, I pointed out a huddled mass by a tree to Mary Beth. She promptly decided to go investigate. So i followed. I was honestly expecting it to be some sort of undead creature guarding the cemetery grounds. to all of our disappointment, it was only a part of the tree. After we left the cemetery, we walked farther around the neighborhood, and had a cop pass us and shine his little light on us.

Let me take this moment to make clear that I've had very bad experiences with policemen in the past. For those of you who know me, you knew that, and for those of you who don't....well...I just told you.

Anyhow, later, as we were passing the pond, Mary Beth and I spotted these footprints leading to/from the pond. And they were really....peculiar. They were either really HUGE feet, or really small feet with at times huge stride. We saw more footprints everynow and then along the way. And although I didn't make mention of it, I was convinced that these tracks belonged to a large Pond Yeti, that at any moment would emerge from the depths and drag me into his underwater home.

After we got back to Caroline's house, we watched Friends for a little while. Mary Beth left. Then Caroline drove Caroline and Katie home. then Erin drove me, fle, and ashby home.

and it was a good night.

i'm not sure what i'm doing tonight, but i might be going to the hinrich's. we'll see. i'm so ecstatic about it being saturday. i love weekends.

[listening to: mistakes we knew we were making - straylight run]
[mood: goooood]

Thursday, October 28, 2004

greetings from the asian food store!

Today, my parents, along with my two brothers and grandparents went to Greenville. While there they visited the Asian Food Store. To my delight, they returned with all sorts of things that we used to have in the Philippines. It makes me happy. If I had no self-restraint, I'd be feasting unceasingly. Is unceasingly a word? Anyways...

Tomorrow I hope to go see the Grudge with a bunch of people. we'll see if it works out.

By the way - i am no longer discouraged. in case anyone was wondering. i'll write more about it later.

I've posted pictures of my Asian Food Store treasures. enjoy.

[listening to: tiny vessels - deathcab for cutie]
[mood: so much better]

Nagaraya Cracker Nuts - You really don't know how long I've been craving these. They also come in Spicy and Original flavors.  Posted by Hello

little jelly things. they are delicious. Posted by Hello

A Pomelo - A sour/sweet filipino fruit, similar to a grapefruit. some people don't like it, but i tend to favor it, as well as Pomelo Tang. Posted by Hello

"Philippine Brand Dried Mangoes - Naturally Delicious!"... so true.  Posted by Hello

so impossible.

[mood: discouraged]

how could anyone not love autumn, after seeing this? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

if i'm going to lose you, i'll lose you now for good

looking back on this day, that i was sure would turn out to be a disaster, it's evident that God had the whole thing planned out. it worked out so that i had a free 2nd block, and i was able to accomplish alot during that free time. and things worked out well. but i was still drained in almost every aspect throughout the entire day. after i got to Calvary from GPC, i slept for about 45 minutes in the high school hallway, which may have helped a little bit. after youth, i had worship practice till about ten. and my dad brought me hot chocolate when he came to pick me up, so i drank it on the way home.

besides the school happenings, i've been contemplating other areas of my life lately, and today was a little bit discouraging, but maybe tomorrow things will work themselves out.

i've been taking a few steps in the forward direction over the past few days concerning life after high school. for the moment, i am thinking something along a major on journalism and a minor in music. although those plans aren't concrete, i feel a strong pull to both of those areas. again, prayers are much appreciated. and i do have a couple of years, but i figure that the sooner i decide things like this, the better.

tomorrow i'm going to give school my best shot, go to the Y, come home and sleep, assuming that i'm still alive by that point of the day. haha, just kidding. sort of.

right now I'm reading through the book of Matthew. i've always told myself that I know the story of Jesus, because i've "heard it so many times". but i've never really taken the time to read it by myself, and actually let it sink in.

recommended song of the day: lose you - pete yorn

[listening to: in other words - ben kweller]
[mood: drained...]

daily forecast

i'm going to go out on a limb and predict the outcome of the day, before it has even begun. with no intentions of being cynical, i truly believe that today could turn out to be one of the worst days of my month. or you could even include the last couple months. it doesn't matter. the point is, i'm tired. on a normal day, when i'm tired, i can simply come home from school and sleep the fatigue away and regain some of the precious hours of sleep that i lost the night before. however, today i don't have such a privilege. immediately following school, i'll be going to the GPC youth group (because i play guitar for it). after which, i'll be headed to the calvary chapel youth group - which is my only choice, because i can't go home. after that, i have worship practice, which could end at 10. leaving me exhausted when i get home, in no mood to do homework. that would be fine with me, if i didn't have homework. and the rule on wednesdays usually makes it so that you don't have homework. but i have this sickening feeling in the bottom of my stomach that is making me believe more and more that i'll have an unnecessary load of homework tonight. plus, i have a history test tomorrow that i have to study for. studying for a Jim Fyock history test involves so much more involvement than any other studying for any other test i've ever taken in my life. it requires so much time and effort, you feel as if you've just run a marathon, or something nearly as grueling.

i guess what i'm trying to get across is, if you have a spare moment today, say a little prayer for me. i'm sure i'll need it.

and now i'm off.

Monday, October 25, 2004

the end of a mediocre day

i'd be lying if i said that today was good - but today wasn't bad either. it just leaves me feeling like something was left to be done. but that feeling might be because i just left my dad's cell phone at the law firm. or maybe that's just part of it. either way, today was just... in the middle.

all of my classes seemed to take twice as long as they usually do. i had an incredibly difficult time staying awake in history. when the bell rang, i was wide awake. i really don't know why Jim's voice does such things to me, but i'm thinking i should record several hours of his speaking onto a tape and try listening to it while going to sleep. i'm sure it would knock me right out. on second thought, his voice playing in my subconscious all night may do awful things to my dreams.

i embarrassed myself in front of the entire biology class today by willingly being the guinea pig in one of Mr. Jones's demonstrations. i'll think twice next time. to make a long story short, it involved me sitting indian style in a small swivel chair, cocking my head entirely to the side, and closing my eyes, while they spun me around. when i opened my eyes, i was meant to feel dizzy and disoriented, and promptly fall to the floor. in my case, i fell to the floor without even opening my eyes. i don't know if anyone other than amy (the other person to try it) understands the amount of vulnerability you feel while being spun. it's the most peculiar thing. it's hard to think, and to keep your head tilted to the side, and you feel like you're being spun the reverse direction of which you're really spinning. needless to say, i can't say that i felt too smooth after doing that.

after school, i stood outside with some people for awhile. kicked the soccer around, then practiced with jonathan, ashby, and fle, for midnight madness. it went alright. i'm sure it will come together though. give it a weekend.

i'm playing with tim's band tomorrow at fusion (at the coffee and dessert company). which means that i practiced tonight with them. i'm playing bass - and i never really play bass, so i'm considerably rusty. i'm lucky that they are still willing to have me play. but i think it'll turn out okay. the only reason that i'm really sort of uneasy about it, is that it's a 'college-kid' gathering. and i'm not a college-kid. i've been in such situations numerous times before, and you'd think i'd know how to handle them. however, i don't.


"...and she said that i was the brightest little firefly in her jar"
[listening to: brightest - copeland]
[mood: passive]

Sunday, October 24, 2004

certainly a small apple! Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

with much deliberation

i have FINALLY gotten links up over on the sidebar. hurrah.

down towards the healing

i'm doing considerably better than i was a couple of days ago. i was going through a "phase". i'm glad that i'm over it, because it wasn't haha. i felt really negative. anyways, all is well.

last night was an absolute...fiasco. after going to the Y and running back to GCS, i went with ashby to stephen's house and showered and such. ashby was going to go to erin's with fle, erin, katie, katie, and caroline. ghandi and stephen were going to the Greenwood High game. i was meant to be doing something with mary beth... we hadn't decided what, at that point. mr. moore was taking us all to the hinrichs for some reason. i guess that was the "meeting point" for everyone. i told marybeth i'd call her once i got there, hoping i would have figured something about by then. i didn't. it ended up that no one went to the game. ghandi went to his dad's house. the same people went to erin's. and stephen and i went to mary beth's. we had a pretty good time. we talked for awhile, watched something on her video camera, and played a game called Mad Gab. I'd never played it up until last night, and it was actually quite fun. Mary Beth won. we also discovered that her phone doesnt work right unless you're sitting in the sun room. haha.

the night after i left her house was pretty fun, but i don't feel like writing it all out. if you want to know, ask me. haha. maybe i'll feel like writing it out by then.

oh yeah - something really funny happened while we were at the hinrich's. ashby, fle, caroline, katie, and erin were all up in the guest room, and we were trying to do the little thing that Mr. Jones showed us in Biology with the chair thing. Caroline started spinning Katie first in it, and it didn't really work. then Caroline got in the chair and Katie spun her realllly fast, and the chair tipped over and caroline fell partly on a desk, partly under the desk, partly on me, and partly on the floor. hahaha. it was so funny. at first i thought she hit her head on the edge of the table, and she might have, but she was laughing too hard to feel the pain.

fun times.

"so fall in love while you can still hold your head up high"
[listening to: pretend you're alive - lovedrug]
[mood: greaat]

Thursday, October 21, 2004

born to radiate

i need to go to study. i've neglected it all night, so now i'll try to make up for lost time.

but tomorrow is friday, and that's good. i expect things to happen.

more later.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

when they really get to know you, they will run

i've been doing alot of thinking lately. about my life, namely. i've given alot of thought to who i am, where i'm going, and what i've done up to this point. now i realize, that these are rather generalized and common things to think about, but i can assure you that at some point you'll realize the importance of such things, if you haven't already.

i don't think that i'm in the place i should be with God right now. actually, to be completely honest, i know that i'm not. and i think that this lack of His presence in my life is having alot to do with the things going on in my life. i don't believe that God is punishing me, however, for not being close with Him. I don't think that's the way that He works. But I do think that He's heartbroken, having His own creation not pay nearly enough attention to Him - or listen for His voice in all moments of the day. I hope that from this realization, I can strengthen my relationship with God, and sort some things out in my life. prayers would be appreciated.

in other news, my jacket came in today. and despite it being XL, it fits fine. it's peculiar though, because it really fits like a medium on me. and i'm quite confident that i'm not nearly large enough a person to fit so snugly in an XL jacket. but hey, maybe i just haven't looked in the mirror lately. maybe i'm a grotesquely huge behemoth of a boy, being tricked into thinking otherwise. who knows. but honestly, wouldn't that be an awful thing to wake up to? nevermind, dumb topic.

i practiced for MM04 (hahahaha) with jonathan and ashby today. i think it might be coming together, but we'll see. properly termed, it's Midnight Madness, but as a joke the three of us, among ourselves, refer to it as MM04. it becomes less and less of a joke each time we do it. haha.

i might have to take geometry next semester. i don't want to. but maybe it'll be good. er... we'll see.

personally, i can't wait for this semester to be over. i'm tired of it. to be more specific, i'm tired of Western Civilization II.

christmas couldn't come too soon.

"hold on to me darling I've got nowhere else to go"
[listening to: ghost train - counting crows]
[mood - contemplative]

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

the haircut strikes again

you may be wondering, "how could he possibly need to cut his hair again?"

well, i've been wondering the same thing. the truth is, i didn't need to cut it. the faculty at GCS needed me too, along with several other boys. now, i could understand their reasoning if we wore it messily and didn't wash. but our hair was neat and kept well. so i really didn't understand. anyways, what is done is done, and i no longer have hair over my ears or remotely close to being over my eyes.

happy, GCS?

just kidding, i'm not that upset about it. it's fun to overplay things like this, though. thanks to Lynn Hall, my hair didn't turn out to be a complete disaster, like it could have been if i went to the place by Wal-Mart. They would have destroyed it.

here are my before and after pictures...

a portrait of when the times were good.

the red-eye abounds, along with the...shortness. oh so short!

- steven

"what were you hoping for?"
[listening to: 23 - jimmy eat world]
[mood: short haired]

Monday, October 18, 2004

track jacket!

thanks to ebay, this red jacket is now mine. and will soon be in my hands. if it doesnt fit, i'll wear it anyway.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

new thing

since it's the thing to do, i've started to use the haloscan comment system thing. hopefully it works a little smoother and is a little more convenient. thanks to anna who helped me.


by the way - what is the trackback thing? do i need it?
Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

thank you

if i had a gun in my hand, i'd shoot my computer.

i hate writing long blogs, only to have the computer erase them.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

it's so cold here

last night i went to the greenwood high game with several people. and it. was. cold. it was probably the coldest weather i've been in in 4 years. i made the mistake of wearing shorts, thinking that the hoodie i was wearing would protect me from getting chilly. nope. anyways. we got hot chocolate on the way home, which helped.

yesterday, me, stephen, ashby, felipe, and ghandi played golf at par 3. chad and mr. wiles met us there and played. it was quite fun, although i've come to the conclusion that i suck at golf.

today was the state cross-country meet. good luck to you all.

i have to cut my hair this weekend. again. it's frustrating.

i nearly fell from the moore's roof this morning.

by the way, for those who didn't know, we lost to beaufort on wednesday. they won state on friday. boo. we'll get them next time. our season is over though. who knows what i'll do with my time now. and now it's the end of the first nine weeks. we had yesterday (friday) off, and we also have monday off. today i need to clean my room (which i've finished) clean my bathroom, and wash the car. then i'm off to andy's.

my vision is shaking. it's really weird. i can't see straight. i think i'll lay down for a moment.

"tonight i'm tangled in a blanket of clouds"
[listening to: walking after you - foo fighters]
[mood: fine]

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

larry lawson is okay by me

today was fine. my morning was slow, but picked up. especially during spanish. we finished our pinata, and it, or HE looks splendid. he was original going to be one of my little "monster" drawings, only...three dimensional. if you don't know what the drawing looks like, don't worry about it, if you hang out with me enough, you'll eventually be educated. anyways, he had a rough start, and was criticized by the rest of the class, but i believe we were victorious in the end. he became a wizard of some sort, with a big black hat with stars all over it. maybe i'll get a picture. but he's smashing.

tomorrow i was meant to go to the dentist, but seeing as we'll be playing beaufort, i had to cancel. luckily, my mom scheduled the appointment for this afternoon.[/sarcasm] i went, and waited in the..waiting room...for like 40 minutes until they called my name. it may have been less time than that, but i was alone. and it felt like a long time. he filled one tooth in the back, and another because it had a 'deep groove' or something. i was surprised, because it really wasn't a painful ordeal, although the entire left side of my face feels like it was hit by a sack of bricks. in fact, i almost started laughing while they were working on my mouth. so many things were entertaining me, but i had to pinch myself to keep from losing it. i was afraid that if i laughed, all of the utensils that they were using would fly from my mouth, or fall into my mouth, or something equally terrible. and it would be really awkward as well, because i really had no reason to laugh. hmm. i guess i'm just weird. i laugh at all the wrong times.

and by the way, i meant to post those two last entries twice. actually, i didn't. but i just thought i'd let you all know that i knew it was like that. and i'm not going to fix it.

larry lawson is my dentist by the way.

i saw mary beth and that whole "tennis squad" at the gas station filling up, while i was getting gas as well. today was their last tennis match, and they're playing emerald, who i've heard is good. good luck to you all, although you've probably finished playing by now. anyways, hope it went well..

my mouth feels like a big banana. it's still quite numb, and i'll wait till it has recovered before i try to eat anything.

PSATs tomorrow.

and beaufort.


"i'm almost drowning in her sea"
[listening to: sullivan street - counting crows]
[mood: fine]

Monday, October 11, 2004

you don't know the truth

today was a good one, somehow. last night, justin stayed over. we recorded some acoustic demo stuff, and watched a movie. my sister had some friends over, so they were watching too. i went to bed in the middle of the first movie, "envy", seeing as i had school this morning. they proceeded to watch another. i ended up going to bed at about 12:30, setting my alarm clock for 6:05. it went off at 6:05, and somehow i ignored it until 6:45, which is amazing, because i usually wake up pretty easily. but i managed to get showered, eat, and everything in time to leave for school at a decent time.

at lunch time, i had the pleasure of going with justin, anna, and cilla to zaxby's. today was anna's 19th birthday, by the way. so everyone tell her that you love her. i sure do. it's hard to believe that she's gotten so old. wow. anyways, zaxby's was good, though mr. fyock was sort of on my case when he came back, but i think it was in good nature. anyways, at 1:30, after fyock's class, varsity boys were dismissed to go to our game against Trinity Collegient. Or Coligient. Not sure the proper way to spell that. Anyways, we got there, played, and won 2-0. hurray. So now we're going to be playing on Wednesday against Beaufort in Charleston.

That's the game that we REALLY need to win. Championships will be on friday.

Anyways, I think I'm going to call it a night pretty soon here. I'm still deciding whether or not I want to keep this template. Keep posting suggestions, they were much appreciated. but if you post anonymously, tell your name. please.

everyone post on the sunny blunder boards.

"the plans i made still have you in them"
[listening to: the background - third eye blind]
[mood: good]

you don't know the truth

today was a good one, somehow. last night, justin stayed over. we recorded some acoustic demo stuff, and watched a movie. my sister had some friends over, so they were watching too. i went to bed in the middle of the first movie, "envy", seeing as i had school this morning. they proceeded to watch another. i ended up going to bed at about 12:30, setting my alarm clock for 6:05. it went off at 6:05, and somehow i ignored it until 6:45, which is amazing, because i usually wake up pretty easily. but i managed to get showered, eat, and everything in time to leave for school at a decent time.

at lunch time, i had the pleasure of going with justin, anna, and cilla to zaxby's. today was anna's 19th birthday, by the way. so everyone tell her that you love her. i sure do. it's hard to believe that she's gotten so old. wow. anyways, zaxby's was good, though mr. fyock was sort of on my case when he came back, but i think it was in good nature. anyways, at 1:30, after fyock's class, varsity boys were dismissed to go to our game against Trinity Collegient. Or Coligient. Not sure the proper way to spell that. Anyways, we got there, played, and won 2-0. hurray. So now we're going to be playing on Wednesday against Beaufort in Charleston.

That's the game that we REALLY need to win. Championships will be on friday.

Anyways, I think I'm going to call it a night pretty soon here. I'm still deciding whether or not I want to keep this template. Keep posting suggestions, they were much appreciated. but if you post anonymously, tell your name. please.

everyone post on the sunny blunder boards.

"the plans i made still have you in them"
[listening to: the background - third eye blind]
[mood: good]

Saturday, October 09, 2004


new template. yes or no?

crashing through the parlor doors

i woke up this morning at about 11:30 with my sister telling me that i had to go to a pumpkin patch. i was thoroughly confused, but got up anyways, ate, and drove out there. it turned out to be interesting. sort of. by the way, cilla leigh (anna's friend from the philippines whom she graduated with) flew in from washington last night. so she's here. and she went to the pumpkin patch too. so that made things more fun, since we haven't seen her in several months. afterwards, we went home.

i walked aimlessly around the house for awhile, until andy IMed me. and he wanted to do something. as did i. justin was in columbia for the day, and chances of doing something with him were slim to none. so i showered and such, and andy picked me up. we drove first to tim/troy/ryan/matt's house, and stayed there for about half an hour, being entertained by the Sims 2. it looked like a marvelous game. after that, we went to andy's and played guitar for a bit, then ate dinner at zaxby's. i was completely full, and was tempted to sleep in the booth in which we were eating. we stayed there for awhile and talked. thennn we went to wal-mart to buy blank cassette tapes for the 4-track back at andy's, which we hooked up and recorded some things on. we then played ping pong, and proceeded to do several other things. by the time 11 o'clock rolled around, i was home.

did anyone know that Iron and Wine covered The Postal Service's song "Such Great Heights"? i found this out today, and it is quite beautiful. i'd like for everyone to download it, and you'll see what i mean.

let me know if you end up liking it...

"what was your first reaction?"
[listening to: company calls epilogue - death cab for cutie]
[mood: sleepy]

remember to breathe

how was i meant to react?

in retrospect, should there have been a reaction at all?

Friday, October 08, 2004

what an awful turn of events.

today i had planned to go to school. go to soccer practice. go home with tim, shower, then go with mary beth, alison, stephen, tim b., caroline, and tim stumbo to anderson to watch napoleon dynamite. tim had been very weird about going the entire time, which i didn't understand, i guess because he was driving. who knows. but anyways, once we got to tim's after soccer practice, his mom basically made it clear that he couldn't go. and bleh. so i just assumed i'd call everyone and tell them that we could just do something else, in town. about that time, i hear from stephen that the girls aren't going. so we just decided to go do something ourselves. we went to the emerald high football game (after picking up jonathan shurden from his house). there wasn't room in the car, so he rode in the trunk, which became humorous. the game was awful though. i won't even talk about it. after that, we went back to shurden's and ordered pizza while watching a soccer dvd, which was entertaining. then we played FIFA 2004 on his game cube. and that was fun. but now i'm home, and i'm a little bit disappointed that i didn't get to see napoleon dynamite, because my heart has been set on it for so long. haha. i guess that's just the way it goes. hopefully it won't be too long until it comes out on video...

today was most probably our last soccer practice of the season. next week is are playoffs. we have a game monday, against Trinity Collegient.if we win that, we go on to play Beaufort in Charleston, which would most likely mean we'd miss PSAT's. wee. Then friday would be the championship game.

Anyhow, i'm tired. bed time.

Monday, October 04, 2004

the magical coke machine

today before practice, ashby, jonathan, gandhi, and i decided we wanted a drink before going to practice. we had time to spare, so we decided to swing by wal-mart. we went in, and everyone got their drinks, and i couldn't decide what to get (we were buying from machines..). i finally decided on a 45 cent can of Dr. Pepper. I insterted my money, and pressed the button. Out came my Dr. Pepper. I retrieved it. Out popped another Dr. Pepper. I looked on in awe, as did everyone else. It was such a beautiful thing. So i grabbed that one too. I walked away and Gandhi approached the machine, and it spewed out yet ANOTHER Dr. Pepper. What a lucky day. From now on, I will only use that drink machine. Surely if it happens once, it'll happen again.

I ran better today than i have in awhile. It seemed that my energy was boundless during practice. At least until the last 5 minutes.

We have a home game tomorrow against Pleasant Grove. Next week are State Championships.

I'm utterly disappointed. I was meant to be going to see Napoleon Dynamite with some people this friday, but I just found out that it's not playing anymore. How upsetting. I'm not sure what I'll do now. maybe there is another movie worth watching. we'll see.

time for sleep. i skipped algebra homework so that i could hit the sack, and look at me, i'm blogging.... sheesh.

goodnight, all.

streetlights shine through the shades
casting lines on the floor
and lines on his face
{listening to: fred jones, part 2 - ben folds}
{mood: sleepy, but stress-free}

Sunday, October 03, 2004


i should be sleeping, but i'm awake. writing outlines. for jim. gahhhhh.

in five years, none of this will matter. so why do it? i'm not sure. i'll have an answer tomorrow, after it's too late.

i'm going to fail the map test tomorrow.

aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. dangit.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

i've been here before, but only by myself

last night, we played shannon forest at 7 o'clock PM, and tied them 2-2. during the first half, i was nailed in the face with the ball, and proceeded to get a migraine, and was unable to play for the rest of the night. on the trip home, i started feeling better, and i felt fine up until this morning on our way to st. joseph's. and the headache came back and i felt pretty bad throughout the game. so i didn't play.


we did great. we played so well. i'm...proud of us. our goals for the game (that we decided upon before the game) were to mark up, communicate, and not let them score, at least the first half. WELL. they didn't score the first half. and that was awesome. even better, we scored one during the first half. so we had the lead for quite some time, which is a first in GCS guys soccer history, i believe. and it was a first for us to score on their field. so that's wonderful. gandhi made the shot, and it was stupendous. they scored during the second half, and we had to go into overtime, and they ended up beating us 2-1, but it was a close game, and i think we were all content with how we played.

i'm pretty tired, but you may notice that i added some things. on the right, you can get to the pages of people i know, and other sites...and such. so..hopefully that'll be of some use. thanks to audrey who helped me. heh. ok. well, i'm going to bed. i have to play drums for church tomorrow. my arms hurt. bleh.

merry christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.