Sunday, December 31, 2006

so this is the new year

so many things have happened in the past year. i'm sure you will all be disappointed to know that i'm not going to take the time to reflect on everything that has come to pass, but i don't feel that it is entirely necessary. however, i can say with confidence that i see God's hand in my life. He shows me something new every day, whether I admit to it or not.

in less than 7 days, I am going to be leaving for the Philippines for 5 months. i think that the reality of this trip has sort of snuck up on me. only recently have i realized that i really am leaving. and i really will be gone for five whole months. i'm excited. i'm scared. i'm overjoyed. i'm apprehensive. this is going to be the first time i've truly been 'on my own' for such an amount of time.

i've had a wonderfully relaxed celebration of the new year. i hope all of you have had one as fabulous as mine.

i'll post more soon. count on it.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rubber Soul

My favorite all-time record by The Beatles is "Rubber Soul". I can't offer an explanation for why I feel this way. I know that many other people prefer other albums, and I won't argue with them. Because you can't really go wrong with too many albums by this band. Each is classic in its own way. I grew up on "Rubber Soul", and I believe that may have alot to do with why I am so in love with it. To me, this album epitomizes everything that The Beatles are to me. The brilliant melodies. The pop sensibility. The innovative guitar work. So many of the elements on this album are so inconspicuous. Which is what I think makes it so fabulous.

For anyone who hasn't heard any of this album, I urge you to soon.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Friday, December 01, 2006

the december that wasn't december

So far, this December has been a big let-down. I know that it's only the 1st and that there is plenty of December left, but I don't want to hear any excuses. It feels more like April outside, and that is unacceptable. I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but the one of the surest signs that winter has arrived is when it actually feels like winter. This December has alot of explaining to do.

Also, I have recently realized that I have but 5 short little measly weeks left in the United States of America. I leave for the Philippines on January the 7th (if everything goes as planned) and I will return at the beginning of June. And I can't wait.