Monday, April 25, 2005

now is when you need to be who you're meant to be...

i feel sort of disgusting, and i'm not sure why. i might the only one who has this feeling, but every now and then, i am overcome with an overwhelming sense of dumpiness. it's not that i'm really dirty (i mean, i might be), but i just feel gross. it's like i need to take a big, long shower [and i'm already a very shower-y person, so you can imagine how many showers i take when i'm like this..].

i've been in significantly high spirits as of late. i can only give credit to God. it's obvious to me that He's working slowly but surely in my life. It's an amazing feeling. I still mess up - alot, actually. But God is constantly molding me more and more into who He wants to be, and I honestly can't wait to see what He has in store for me, because He's already done so many amazing things in my life that I'm totally unworthy of.

at long last, the tennis season is over. do realize that when i say "at long last" i should really be saying "at short last" because it was really one of the most brief sports seasons that i've ever been a part of. it was somewhat refreshing, though. i enjoyed it muchly, and have a new fondness for tennis, but i must say that it's pleasing to have so much more free time in the afternoons. i went to the Y(mca) with ashby and tyler this afternoon. it was the first time i had been there in a long time. i did quite miserably in lifting, but hopefully things will pick up. i plan to go again tomorrow... for a little while at least, because i have fusion tomorrow evening as well.

i really need a job. i need to break out of my comfort zone and apply for something that i don't necessarily want. because i need anything and should jump at everything that is a possibility.

oh - the buick is "mine" now. (meaning i have the freedom to put stickers and such onto it)

that's all for tonight. goodnight!

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