Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Putting the "Respect" back into respect

I will do my best not to name names during this post. I just desperately need to vent - I fear that if I don't, I may go mad. Again, I must make the usual plea and/or disclaimer of "Please don't interpret this the wrong way" because I'm only trying to release frustration that has been swelling up within me for the past 24 hours.

What on EARTH is going on with today's youth? Someone please explain to me how some children feel the need to display such effrontery to their superiors without showing even a hint of remorse? (I say "children" because I can't think of any other word that could better describe their behaviour) I've been subjected to such displays for far too long, but I'm afraid that if I tried to reprimand someone, I'd either 1) miscommunicate and end up losing a friend, or, 2) kill them. I don't want to do either. I just honestly don't understand how one could disregard adults, those in authority, with complete complacency.

I am especially sensitive to this within the classroom. When a teacher is teaching a class, pay a little blasted attention. They are giving of their time to give you a decent future. Don't throw it out the window - and if you do, don't spoil it for the rest of us and make teenagers look like chatty and immature toddlers who can't handle responsibility. Fail your class, if that' s really what you want to do - but please, do it quietly. Believe it or not, a handful of us in the classroom are there to learn, and provoking the teacher to the point of a near-heartattack doesn't exactly parallel the qualities that reflect a healthy learning environment.

I'm not saying that we need to be stone faced 24/7 while in class - because if that were the case, then I think I may shrivel up and die before I don the cap and gown. But there are some teachers (We all know who they are) who require a little bit more calmness in the classroom in order to maintain their sanity. I, for one, would like to save each one of these teachers from an early death and do my part in settling down.

I'm not going to whip out 50 Bible verses to support what I've said, because I think we all know what it boils down to. Respect your elders - they've been on this earth many moons longer than we have, and they deserve all of the respect that we have to offer. Submit to those in charge - God placed them where they are for a reason, and who would we be to question God's supreme judgement?

There may have been more that I had on my heart to say about this, but my headache is gone, which means my rant is drawing to a close. I may add more later, of course, only if I think of more to add.

On Saturday, I have a job interview (Yes, it's true). A Bruster's Ice Cream Shoppe is opening in Greenwood, and I would fancy being hired. I turned in my application today, and they called later in the afternoon scheduling the interview. Please pray for me as I ready myself, because chances are, I'll do something dumb, completely killing any chance of employment.

As far as my physical health goes, I feel like I'm becoming an obese buffalo, slowly roaming my way into extinction. I need to start running again. Every time I start, I do it for like a week, then things become far too busy, and I have to stop. Then a month passes and I resolve to start back.... and the cycle repeats.

The year is almost over, and I'm enthralled. But I have a bit of work that lies between myself and the final day, and I have no choice but to brave the elements, and march fearlessly forward into the hail-storm of last minute assignments and manic late-nights.

Tonight's edition has ended.

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