Sunday, May 28, 2006

every intention fell to the floor

What happens when what we are "practicing" doesn't exactly line up with the things we are "preaching"? I've been convicted of this felony. I am so quick to speak with the tongue of a saint, while I perform the actions of a rotten sinner with such ease. Indeed, I am a sinner. It is solely by God's grace that I am washed white by the redeeming blood of Christ. I am genuinely ashamed that I have taken my salvation so lightly.

I was thinking earlier today about how important it was for me to sincerely strive to practice what I preach. By no means have I attempted to embark on a quest for perfection, for such is unattainable. However, there are painstakingly obvious areas of my life in which I have been a miserable failure. And I am without excuse. God has offered me His strength, yet I depend on my own. God offers me peace, yet I create chaos for myself.

How would I respond if I were approached by a thief who exhorted me to never steal? I wouldn't respond. His words would be useless to me. Why would I heed the warnings of a beggar who has thrown away his fortune?

And why would anyone around me heed my warnings of certain pitfalls in their life while I am daily diving headfirst into them in my own life?

There's so much for my little mind to digest.

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