Thursday, April 12, 2007

a few things

It won't be long before I begin my fifth and final month being in the Philippines, and all that this blog has to show for it is five measly posts. Counting this one, it will be six. As you can all see, this has been near the bottom of my priority list. It turns out that as much as I enjoy writing and such things, I apparently don't like it enough to keep this page updated. To me, it is in the same category as writing emails. I don't typically enjoy recounting all of the experiences that I have been living from a day-to-day basis. So, after being inspired by my brother-in-laws page (whose link will soon be updated), I have decided to begin posting on things that actually interest me, rather than my daily life, which happens to become a bit dull when I am made to re-enact it through text.

With this change in theme, I cannot promise that I will be any more consistent in posting. But at least I'll have a better reason to post than to write about myself. How refreshing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.