Friday, August 24, 2007

Maddox 117

Here I sit in my brand new home. The sun outside is unbearably hot. It's a good day to be indoors. Unless there is a river nearby that is good for swimming in. I don't know of any (Which certainly doesn't mean that one doesn't exist).

It has almost been a week since I first arrived here in Nashville. In some ways it feels like it has been a year that has passed. In some ways, it feels like only a matter of moments. But I like it here. I have quickly realized how little I really know about music, and how much I want to know. I'm surrounded by brilliant musicians, artists, teachers, and most of all, friends. This is a season of change.

I am happy to report that every morning, without fail, my body has woken me before my alarm clock has had a chance to erupt into it's apocalyptic buzzes of death. I am so grateful. My alarm clock buzz somehow has the ability to make it so much harder for me to wake up in the morning.

I think i'll write some more later. I'm going to go eat lunch.

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