Saturday, January 01, 2005

children, control yourselves.

i'm tired of people being mean to others for no reason beyond "disliking" the way someone is. so what if someone dresses, talks, walks, thinks, speaks, etc etc etc differently than you? curse them? great idea. that's like making fun of someone that is born disabled [which people actually do, believe it or not]. let people live their lives, and unless they harm you personally, let's keep to ourselves. why bother going to the trouble of fighting with them if you don't like them? just put a lid on it.

i don't know what else to say. i probably said alot of things that are a little different than how i actually feel, but i'm going to leave this unedited. i'm too tired and confused with life to go back and look for errors.

thought for the road: bashing people over the internet [on xanga sites, etc.] is lame. don't do it.

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