Saturday, January 22, 2005


two rather miraculous things have happened in the past two days, and both clearly show God's hand in my life.

first of all, many of you know that I'm planning to embark on the Costa Rica missions trip in March with my school. I was meant to write letters to various people in order to raise support (possibly), however, I seemed to fall behind and not get around to it (due in part to my procrastination). This past Friday, money was due. Somehow, I was able to get the required amount in order to pay Todd, but it will require alot of work for me to pay the debt off. In other words, I'm hard on money, and attaining the last bit of money for the trip will also be an interesting struggle. However, yesterday evening, as I was arriving at GCS for the basketball games, I passed Todd in the hall, and he stopped me, informing me that someone had anonymously donated $100 to me for the trip. God's provision is absolutely amazing. I am so blessed. I don't know what else could have prompted this persons heart besides the Holy Spirit, because seeing as I haven't sent out letters, no one really knows that I'm in need - or even going, for that matter.

This second event pertains much more to my actual well-being than the last. Two nights ago, I was driving home, and I was going down a hill towards a stop sign at a very reasonable speed, however, as I held my foot on the brake, it didn't seem to be slowing my down adequately enough to be stopped by the time I got to the stop sign. So I pressed harder. I ended up skidding completely past the stop sign, thankfully, there were no cars coming. It was a rather frightening experience, but I dismissed it as merely being my mis-calculating my speed and stopping distance. I was quite cautious for the rest of the drive, though. Since then, I've not noticed anything really weird about the brakes, except that they weren't very good. But again, I thought it may have been that I just wasn't use to them. This morning, as my dad was driving to work, the brakes were gone in the car. So, he had to turn it around and leave it at home and drive another vehicle. God spared me. If it weren't for His hand of protection over me, I could be in a terrible spot right now - badly injured, or even dead. This makes me realize God's power even more than I did before. God's love is too marvelous to be fathomed.

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