Sunday, January 23, 2005

the dream of evan and chan

So, today my mom asked me what my plans were for college. Do I know? No. I still have at least a year to think about it, but I'd really like to have something planned out - just so that I know. When people have asked in the past, I've told them something within the realm of music, art, and writing. Okay, music. I play it alot. And I enjoy it alot. But what would I do with it if I were to major in it? I wouldn't want to teach. I mean, I could, but I'm really not interested in that aspect. The main thing would be performance. and even then, i don't know.

Art. I just really... like it. I've never been very good, and I don't know enough about it to even consider it as a future field of study. I think the Art field is usually reserved to those who have an ounce of natural ability, which I don't, really. I guess even if only to broaden my horizons, I should start drawing/painting again sometime soon.

Writing. This seems like the most probable major for me. Although, I'm still not really sure yet. Due to a terrible assortment of English teachers for the past few years, I have learned next to nothing in grammar and such. Even in my english class this year, people are talking about present participals, verbals, and what-not. I never learned any of it. I feel foolish being interested in writing and not having a clue what they're talking about. We'll see, I suppose.

This week marks the beginning of Steven Holmes playing "catch-up" in school. It's going to be a definite uphill battle trying to make up for the past couple weeks of backsliding that I've been doing, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

My eyes desire rest, as does my mind, body, and soul. So I'm going to call it a night.

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