Tuesday, September 13, 2005

itsy bitsy

this morning began just as most mornings do. i pressed the "snooze" button on my alarm clock about five times, in ten minute intervals. once i had wasted nearly an hour, swinging back and forth between the states of being asleep and being sort of asleep, i decided that the time had come for me to brave the day.

as i was pulling out of my driveway, and onto the main road, i saw a small movement in the corner of my eye. ignorantly and much to my regret, i paid this "warning sign" no attention.

five minutes later, i found myself face to face with death, epitomized as a menacing little spider. he was sitting on my lap, seeming to grin at me as he crawled hurriedly up my shirt. all the while, i'm swerving into the other lane and back, trying to maintain my calm. i was doing a very bad job. once the little devil had reached the collar of my shirt, i felt that it was dire for me to take action. i was quite sure that if i didn't, he'd crawl into my clothing, create himself a home and raise a little family of baby spiders. my hand slowly made it's way towards the little monster. i grimaced with every inch. i finally was able to snatch him up, and toss him out the window.

... i don't think i've seen the last of little mister spider. if not him, then i am confident that one of his little cousins will emerge from beneath the seat of my car as i'm driving to school, and the cycle will repeat.

moral: steven is scared of spiders [hey! that's an alliteration! sort of.]

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