Sunday, August 29, 2004

sunnyblunder show

the sunnyblunder show that was previously advertised has been postponed. i apologize. it wasn't my fault. honest.

i'll keep you posted on any further news.

another night slips away

i hate school so much. i can't even explain it. i hate alot of things tonight, actually. i hate the fact that i have a spanish map test tomorrow. i hate that i haven't studied. i hate that i have a soccer game on tuesday, and i hate that i'm going to be really nervous. in fact, i'm already nervous. so i hate that too.

anyways. i'm not having the best night, as you can tell. i am currently unhappy with school. but that may be because i'm tired, and am stressed out due to everything that is coming up in the next week. when i say 'everything', i mean schoolwork, and soccer games. and that's alot for me. for some reason, these first 2 soccer games are incredibly intimidating. i get pretty worked up over small things anyways, so it's no real surprise.

i'm also stressed out because i've been living at my grandparents house for the past 2-3 months with the rest of my family. not such a bad thing, except for the size of the house, and the fact that school is in session. not enough room whatsoever. my clothes are in an awful state, strewn throughout rooms, with no real place to go. i've lost several shirts and shorts since we've been here, and it makes me want to cry. we're supposed to move out in the next week. i'm praying for that day to come as soon as possible.

i'm being stripped from the computer, so i should wrap this up.

hmm. maybe stripped wasn't the correct word to describe my being removed from the chair. but it works. goodnight everyone.

enjoy yourselves.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

another weekends

i meant to make "weekends" one word, in case you were wondering. why? i'm not sure. there's a reason though. i just forget what it originally was.

wow, what a day. school was a mess. there were disastrous scenarios at every turn. i nearly fell asleep in history, except i was in the front row, so mr. fyock continually used me as an example in all of his illustrations, and gave me these 'all-knowing' looks. it's quite possible that he knew all about my plan of trying to sleep. it wasn't a plan, however. i just happened to get unusually sleepy in 3rd block. and his monotonous lecturing can become, well, monotonous. so monotonous, in fact, that one may find him or herself on the verge of sleeping, which is the situation i found myself in today. i also had a biology quiz today. haha. i laugh only because of how much i dislike that class. i recieved an 83, which i'm not happy with at all. and for some reason, she thought it would be a good idea to have a test on the day after a quiz, so we have a test tomorrow.

soccer practice has finally become challenging. i say 'finally' because we've had a series of easy days this week. we shouldn't have, because everyone gets out of shape and soft. i really like hard practices, to be perfectly honest. i know it sounds strange. of course i don't enjoy it while it's taking place, but after practice is over, i am happy. i came to a realization today. i am horribly out of shape for the sport of soccer. i can keep up with the rest of the team while we're running, but everyone else is in bad shape too (excluding the cross-country runners on our team). we did sprints today down the entire field. maybe 5 or 6 of them. i had another wonderful spell of becoming dizzy and not being able to see what was in front me. this was all caused by dehydration, which comes so naturally for me. i usually fail to drink enough fluid throughout the day, so it works out nicely whenever soccer practice rolls around, i'm nice and devoid of liquid. anyhow, after that, we ran a lap. then mr. harrell gave us a speech on how we needed to push hard all of the time, and get in shape. but he DID mention that i always run my butt off, along with jonathan shurden. so at least my effort is being noticed. hah. then we (varsity) ran 6 laps, and were timed. i finished 4th, with a time of 9:00 minutes. so that's about 6 minutes per mile. not bad. but not great. then we juggled. did sprints, then finished with a drill. it was a good practice, i must say. i'm enjoying the increased work.

i went to the leinbach's for dinner. had spaghetti, and it was delicious. i did my homework there, and then took a nap. THEN anna came and picked me up and now i'm here. and i'm very out of it. you know how you feel after taking a nap in the middle of the day? it's the dumpiest feeling in the world. i think i need to go to bed.

haha, oh yeah. i attended a basketball meeting today at lunch. not because i plan on playing, but because i was...curious. i almost thought about having second thoughts about maybe playing. haha. wow. what a confusing sentence. anyways. you know what i mean. but i doubt i'll play. it was just a thought.

hmm. bedtime.

[listening to: rooney]
[mood: spaced out]

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

brother and sister on a sunday afternoon Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

home alone

well, i'm not completely alone, my sister is here, which definitely helps. my rest of my family has gone to the beach. which leaves us here to attend school on our own. i can't say it's completely all bad...but it gets lonely. i do miss my family at times. they get back on sunday. and it's tuesday night. several days away. we'll see.

my first soccer game is coming up on tuesday...of next week. we're playing spartanburg's a home game. i'm terrified. i'm most likely going to play right-fullback...which is what i've been playing in practice. it would be a terrible idea for the coach to change my position on game day. i'm not sure if i'll start. it would be fun...but also all the more scary.

for the first time in weeks, i'm charging my ipod tonight. i havent used it in ages, which is dumb. so i decided to use it again, because it's awesome. i forgot how wonderful it is. tomorrow there is no soccer, thankfully. i guess i might go to GPC afterschool, if, that is, i can get a ride home. we'll have to see.

oiioioioi. i have a math test tomorrow. OH! i got a 97 on the FYOCK test. haha. i love to capitalize that. in case you didn't know, mr. fyock is my history teacher. anyhow, that was a pleasant surprise.

i must go. sleepytime beckons.

i believe the sunnyblunder show has been rescheduled as well, but i'll keep you posted.

goodnight, all.

Friday, August 20, 2004

about to go to school

i am yet again entering a fun filled day of learning, adventure, and interaction with other kids my age. i'm bubbling over with anticipation. i have a history test today. actually, let me rephrase that, i have a FYOCK history test today. they are different things. fyock tests compared to tests are like...manwiches compared to sandwiches. don't tell me you haven't heard of manwiches, because i know you have. and i'm driving to school! yeeeeee.

on a brighter note, i am going to a football game tonight with the boys. i'm not sure who is included in the group when i say 'the boys'. but i guess i'll find out. and tomorrrow i go to the mccravy's at EIGHT THIRTY to practice with tim's little thing. i desperately do not want to get up that early.

on a MUCH brighter note, jimmy eat world is releasing a new album, 'futures', in two months. which i will have in my paws in less than 2 weeks. this makes me ever so happy.

enjoy yourselves, and listen to good music.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

jimmy eat world strikes again

in two months, jimmy eat world will release a new album, 'futures', which is expected to cast spells on all who listen, working magic similar to that which is found on their album 'clarity'. thanks to my good friend andy, i am able to obtain this recording before it enters stores. in fact, hopefully in the next week or so. he has given word that it is wonderful, and puts 'bleed american' to shame.

all i can say is good work, jimmy eat world. good work. you're making steps in the right directions, which is an admirable, honorable, and, well, you know. weezer sort of went off the deep end on 'maladroit', and i believe everyone is glad that jimmy eat world has strayed from such becomings.

anyhow, i felt the urge to share the news, and hope that all of you plan to purchase this record when it arrives.

good day to all, and enjoy wonderful music always.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

dream job

on my way home from soccer practice today, my mom informed me of a phonecall she had taken for me. a man called offering me a job to play drums for a Greenwood Community Theater production in the next couple of weeks. apparently, the previous drummer dropped out at the last minute. anyhow, somehow he heard that i played, found my number, and called. obviously, this wouldn't be a steady job, but it seems that the pay is really good, and would be a good way to make money fairly fast. they are supposed to be rehearsing every night of next week. and they said i'd be paid $25 per rehearsal. after rehearsals, there are 10 performances. i'm supposed to be getting paid $50 per performance. so...that's...quite cool. and what makes it even cooler, is that it's not work to me. it's fun. so i'm getting paid to do something i really enjoy doing. and paid well. the job isn't confirmed completely yet, though, he needed to talk to some lady tonight about it, but he's calling me tomorrow to let me know. it would be really great if i got to do this. it definitely shows God's provision, when i wasn't even looking for a way to make money.

no homework tonight. hurray. i'm sort of in a mental mess concerning my history class. i don't understand exacty what's supposed to be happening. i guess we'll see. i'm frightened to see how the semester turns out. the rest of my classes are quite fine. i recieved a 100 on my spanish test today, and 100 on my algebra quiz. both of those results pleased me immensely. haha. yes.


[listening to: JRF mix]

Monday, August 16, 2004

hell day

i have just awoken from a most glorious slumber. since this slumber has ended, it has made me feel very sleepy and awful. and i truly hate feeling like this when i have work that needs to be done. i'd rather just plop back onto the bed and sleep for the rest of the night, but i need to get about half an hour or so of studying done for spanish. i was barely able to finish my algebra without falling asleep.

you may be wondering why i titled this entry "hell day". in fact, i'm sure you are. and there is a reason. again, i'm revolving my blog strongly around soccer practice. but then again, the outcome of soccer practice can easily influence the outcome of the rest of the day. i was actually having a fairly happy day until soccer practice. let me explain.

i arrived at soccer practice noticing the intense heat. i thought to myself, 'surely today will be an easier one. the coach would have to be out of his mind to run us too hard'. i look back on those thoughts and laugh. actually i don't, but i wish i could. it really wasn't too funny. coach harrell arrived late, so coach wiles had us run 6 laps until he got there. 6 laps is typical, but we had no idea that 'six laps' was the final destination, because he said "alright guys, start running laps, i'll tell you when to stop". we weren't sure if we were supposed to exert more energy for 2 or 3 laps, or pace ourselves for a longer amount. it turned out that we were meant to pace ourselves. none of us did. however, being the strong willed athletes that we all are, we kept up our pace (for the most part) and finished, although many of us heaving from lack of breath. about this time, coach harrell arrived. after a 3 minute water break, he had us line up on the sideline, facing the middle of the field. (middle school has already retreated to the refuge of the other side of the field, with coach wiles). we all stand and wait for awe-inspiring words from the coach, only to be disappointed, when he greeted us by saying, "well, i like to call this 'hell day'. didn't know it was coming, did you?". i felt like laughing and crying all at the same time. anyhow, it went a bit like this. from the sideline we were standing at, we easily did 10 sprints back and forth to him. this swiftly drained all of our energy. of course, we all knew this was 'hell day', so more fun was on the way. after the sprints we jogged two more laps. so far, this running would equal about 2 or so miles. next we did something i really hate. we line back up on the line, and we begin jogging forward. he blows the whistle once, signifying to keep jogging. twice, to signify sprinting. and thrice, to change direction. i don't think anyone understands how tiring this really is, until they do it themselves, especially after the things we had just experienced. next came indian sprints! hurray! we run laps in a big line, and the person at the END of the line sprints to the front, and so forth and so on. we did 5 laps. to end the 'hell' segment of the day, we did suicides, by running backwards half of the time, with 10 push-ups at the end. i never knew 10 push-ups could be more rewarding. it honestly felt good after using my legs so constantly. after this, we simply did drills and such. but it's safe to say that this was one of the more physically demanding practices of the season. in fact, about 75% of it felt like an out-of-body experience.

of course, i overplayed that a bit, but not much. i just thought everyone would like to know what i went through today. and if not, hey, it's my blog. haha, so that sort of gives me the authority to do with it what i please. wow. alright then.

i think i'll go study for my spanish test, eat something, then try to enter into the glorious slumber that i abandoned only half an hour ago. i hope it welcomes me back.


Saturday, August 14, 2004

well, this is completely random. Posted by Hello

refusal of the anesthetic for the amputee

yeah, um..

my family all went to atlanta today. the reason being to visit relatives, and to attend a wedding. i didn't go because i have tests to study for... and i won't be able to study on sunday. so i've been here all day with my grandparents, and have accomplished about 20 minutes of studying, probably less.

my uncle is coming from greenville in about 30 minutes, from greenville for the weekend. he comes down every now and then. i guess just to visit with my grandparents and such.

i'd really really like to see pedro the lion live, since i've missed every performance that has happened in the past. sarah said that they were touring soon with starflyer 59. which would be nice to experience. i told her to let me know if she went, and i'd tagalong. i still plan to do so, if a show comes about.

good old sunnyblunder will be performing at the Coffee and Dessert Company on September 3rd. i expect all who are able, to attend. we'll try to make it worth it for you. oh, and please let me know if you'd like a bumper sticker. they are 5 dollars each, and are...pretty.

haha. okay then.

[listening to: slow reader]

Friday, August 13, 2004

the bruised ankle

it sure seems like most of my posts revolve around what happens in soccer practice. peculiar, isn't it? i guess soccer is the only interesting thing currently happening in my life, which is a little bit depressing. i'll explain the subject in a second..

today was friday. normally, i'd be overjoyed, knowing that the weekend would hold fun times spent with friends. i don't see any of that in store for me this weekend. justin has gone to college, so i'll only see him on weekends. andy leaves in the morning, and i have no idea when i'll see him. both situations are saddening, because they have been two of my closest friends this summer. tomorrow my family is going to atlanta, and i'm staying home to study for a spanish and biology test, both i have at the beginning of next week. GREAT. i doubt i'll do anything remotely fun tomorrow, and that makes me want to cry. haha. saturdays are supposed to be... the days stuff. haha, i dunno. nevermind. maybe i will. we'll see.

since andy is departing for clemson, the drumming position at calvary chapel has been bestowed on me. i'm not unhappy with it, i'm just a little bit uneasy, because i haven't played drums in a long long time. i don't know how good of a job i'll do.

soccer was fun today. we began with 6 laps (that wasn't the fun part, by the way), then did some drills. then we did a mini-scrimmage type thing. yep, you guessed it. this is where it became fun. scrimmaging seems to be the only redeeming thing about soccer practice so far, except for the fact that it's getting us in ridiculously good shape. i was cleated in the ankle by dillon robertson, which made me want to cry. hahaha. it hurt so much, i can't even begin to explain it, but i kept playing. i played defense today, and i think that will be the case during games as well. i guess my ankle injury is partly my fault, however. i seem to lose touch with everything around me when i'm going for the ball. i'm not aware that i may be kicking someones shins off in my quest for the ball. i guess you could say that i'm aggressive when i play sports, but you can thank rugby for that. that's what it does to you. haha. i had several comments from people after practice about how "it will be fun to watch" me play defense this year. haha. we'll see.

um, i suddenly got tired. i don't know why. but it's damaging my ability to write coherently. i guess i'll write more later if i feel up to it.


Thursday, August 12, 2004

slow reader

i just made a copy of the 'slow reader' cd, finally. i've been intending to get a copy of it for weeks, and tonight was the night. i'm eventually going to buy it. that's beside the point, though. it's absolutely beautiful. and the more i listen to it, the more it seems like the soundtrack to all of my thoughts for the past few days/weeks. i highly recommend it.

a rainy day

today was the gloomiest thing i've experienced in a long time. the morning was overcast and cold, and as the day progressed it began to rain, and rained for the rest of the day until school was out. soccer practice was cancelled, and i could care less. i went to the moore's for a bit after school with ashby, felipe, and gandhi. we didn't do much. just sorta talked and listened to music, then my dad picked me up. i came home, had a stomach ache, and slept for an hour or so. arose for dinner, and now i'm here.

nothing exciting, if you ask me.

i've sort of made a realization today. i realized that i need to start... acting my age. if that makes any sense at all. i'll explain. since i was little, i've chiefly hung out with people that are older than me by a couple of years. this means that now that they're going to college, i'm left in high school. they have on them the responsibilities of an adult, and do things without parental supervision, unlike me. therefore, their future "gatherings" will be those made up of the 'college kid group'. THEREFORE, i'll be invited less. now i'm not having a pity party, just stating recent realizations i've made. and i'm not saying that i don't have friends that are my age, because i do. but my closest friends are those who are now 18 years old. and i'm still 16. wee.

hmm. okay.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

so tired!

i need to go to go to sleepy.

*runs away*


hands that don't work like they should

i was very disappointed in my hands today. at band practice, i was constantly not doing...the right thing. i'm sure it was discouraging to the rest of the band to hear me squeaking away during the songs. all apologies. hopefully i won't have another day like this.

i had no homework today, so i'm just taking it easy. i was thinking about running tonight, but i think i'll try going out before school tomorrow. we'll just have to see.

i'm in a current emotional haze. i get like this every now and then. it's not a good thing, in case you were wondering. i just have tons of things on my mind, questions that i don't know how to answer, problems that i can't seem to solve... i'd like to crawl into a small dark hole and sleep for the next five years, and let things work themselves out. that's my best option at the moment. haha. me oh my, i thought that if i typed all of this out it would make me feel a little bit better, but it hasn't started working yet.

well, i'm going to go to the YMCA with my sister, so it looks like i'll end up running and stuff tonight.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004


what are mosquitoes for? this is an honest question. really. i mean, do they serve a purpose, or are they one of the things that God curse man with when Adam sinned?.... along with disease, death, and poverty. the only reason i ask this is because there are thousands of mosquito bites currently residing on my body. and it's not comfortable... at all. i mean, it would be one thing if mosquitoes ate cockroaches or spiders or something, but i'm pretty sure they don't. unless it was some sort of African Hopping Mosquito, that could probably eat me, if it tried. anyways, any answers would be warmly welcomed.

i had homework tonight. usually, i rush through my work, carelessly, because there are other things that i'd rather be doing. but tonight there was nothing else i even had to do. so homework was my only option. so i took my time and did a good job, besides, a job isn't worth doing if you don't do your best, right? something like that...

soccer was quite a treat today. [/sarcasm] we started the day with 6 laps around the field, which is roughly a mile and a quarter or two. which really isn't that bad, but we all ran it quite fast, and it became tiring very quickly. after the lap running, we did sprints. suicides, to be precise. i think that suicides are the most feared and hated breed of sprints known to mankind, for every sport. after our first round, the format of the suicide was changed up a bit, into something now known to me as the "Slide-Tackle Suicide". it even sounds scary. it's exactly like a regular suicide, except at the points where you'd normally touch your hand to the ground, you do a slide tackle. now, the sliding isn't the challenging part. in fact, it can become sort of fun. it becomes a nightmare when you continuously have to pick yourself up and begin sprinting again. bleh. the rest of the practice was concluded with an hour of so of drills. it was alright.

anyhow, it's time for my sports physical. wee. have a good night everyone. safe.. and stuff.


Monday, August 09, 2004

before i lay me down to sleep...

i forgot to mention this earlier, but, thank you to sarah dean who endured my tireless chatter regarding the creation of this.. thing, and what to name it, and what not. so, everyone... um. she helped. and i'm not sure what point i wanted to make in this post. it sounded better in my head. just so that you know that i wasn't entirely the brains behind this here operation.

erm, alright then. goodnight all.

day 1

wow. this is a 'day 1' for alot of things. day 1 of the week (it's monday), day 1 of school, and day 1 of a brand new blog. okay, just three things. but three can be alot, depending on how you look at it.

anyways, yes, school. after the shortest summer of my life, school has begun again. i'm back in the united states of america, possibily indefinitely, after 8 years in the philippines. we're still not sure what we're going to do yet (as a family). if my family does plan to stay here for good, i may return for graduation or something. we're just not sure. it's a very... different feeling, being back. not bad at all, just very different. everything functions differently here. people, especially. faith academy, my school in the philippines was like a big bubble. we were sheltered, so to speak. not necessarily from the outside, but just from...outside peer pressure. the spiritual aspect of the school was so strong, it was easy to maintain a Christian walk. the bubble around me popped after i left the philippines. that isn't a crafty way to say i've renounced my faith or anything, i'm just saying that it's harder to stay strong, spiritually speaking.

so now i'm here. i'm attending GCS this year (greenwood christian school). i was terrified this morning on my way. i'm not sure why, though, because it really turned out much easier than i expected. the initial 20 minutes of being there was a bit awkward, but by the 3rd block or so, i felt rather comfortable. which is good. after school ended, i headed to the YMCA for soccer practice. for those who don't know- i'm playing soccer this year. i've never played on a team in my entire life, so i'm sort of branching out. but i thought i could learn alot, and it would be a good way to stay in shape, so i'm going for it. it wasn't too hard of a practice today. mainly drills, though we did a bit of sprints at the beginning. i've already learned a ton, and the guys on the team have been gracious in not mocking my amateur skills.

anyhow, i plan on using this 'blog' like i should. so you can probably check back here on a regular basis and find something new that may or may not entertain you.
