Thursday, March 01, 2007

his faith sprawled out on the lawn

I am growing weary of the lack of authenticity among Christians. It seems that those whose calling is to be completely genuine and loving and real in the way that they live are being the least of these things. Often times, I can see more Christlike behavior in the lives of those who do not claim to be Christians. I feel like my peers are shying away from discussing weighty issues simply because it makes them uncomfortable. I say that we could all use a little bit of discomfort in our lives, if this is what it has come to. I know that I'm not really hitting on one specific point in what I am writing about, but I just needed to let some things out.

I am currently reading through a book by Rob Bell entitled Velvet Elvis. Rob Bell is the pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church (somewhere in Michigan). The book is quite candid, which is something that I am growing to appreciate as far as writing styles go. However, Mr. Bell addresses some things that can be a little bit hard get past. Not necessarily in the theological sense. I haven't read anything that contradicts my beliefs, however, I have read some things that have jostled me a bit. It has been a good jostling, though. I'll write more about this book soon. I don't have it on hand at the moment...

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