Saturday, April 02, 2005

classical guitar, beaten and bruised

i was just outside watching my little brothers play at the church parking lot beside my house. they were riding around on their little hot wheel bikes, and i was sitting playing my classical guitar. it just so happens that today, the wind decided to blow at an average speed of 110 miles per hour, and the wind chill was somewhere around -15 degrees. this caused me some undue discomfort, but seemed to have little effect on the joy of my brothers. i decided that maybe if i walked around the parking lot, i maybe able to warm myself up. so i set my guitar onto my sandals, as not to scratch it on the pavement, and set the roll of toilet paper next to it (i had the toilet paper because both of the boys sinuses weren't in top condition). after i had walked about 100 feet from the guitar, i heard this discouraging crash. i looked to see what had happened (half expecting to see one of the little bikes laying valiantly ontop of a crushed guitar, with one of my brothers proudly claiming victory over the sad musical instrument). however, it seemed that the hurricane-like wind somehow lifted my guitar from its resting place and flipped it over onto its face, breaking two strings, and thoroughly disfiguring the string-bridge on the top of the neck. even better, the roll of toilet paper had taken flight. it had become strewn across the parking lot like an enormous white ribbon, and traveling at nearly 30 mph. the twins joined me in my effort of stopping it - and we eventually did. we were left with a mass of crumpled up toilet paper the size of a basketball. it was at this time that i decided to call it quits and head inside.

i now am faced with the task of writing my anatomy&physiology paper, which is required to be 7 pages in length. it's due monday. now would be a good time for my creativity to kick in.

that's all for now.

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