Wednesday, April 06, 2005

i just get sick of the things we think we think we know

i don't have alot to write about, so i'm not really sure why i'm writing at all. maybe i am guilt-tripping about my last post and my conscience is nagging me to apologize to everyone for such a dumb entry. so this is my apology. sorry.

i seem to have myself a serious priority-crisis. school has somehow found it's way to the bottom of my "List of Priorities" (I keep one nailed to the back of my door .......not really.) But just about everything in the world outweighs school in terms of importance right now. Especially music... and writing....and those sorts of things. It's almost all I think about. almost. But here it is: I've gotten to the point where I'm past loving music (etc) and am not caring much at all about school because I know that...I have music. I'll be honest and say that I don't have a good feeling about this. Because the next thing you know, I will have dropped out of high-school and will be playing music full-time. Which doesn't seem too bad to me right now, but I keep telling myself that this highschool education will be worth it in the end; let's hope that I'm right.

that's all for now, folks.

[listening to: the rocket summer - never knew]
[i feel like: a slacker. but a happy one]

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