Monday, October 04, 2004

the magical coke machine

today before practice, ashby, jonathan, gandhi, and i decided we wanted a drink before going to practice. we had time to spare, so we decided to swing by wal-mart. we went in, and everyone got their drinks, and i couldn't decide what to get (we were buying from machines..). i finally decided on a 45 cent can of Dr. Pepper. I insterted my money, and pressed the button. Out came my Dr. Pepper. I retrieved it. Out popped another Dr. Pepper. I looked on in awe, as did everyone else. It was such a beautiful thing. So i grabbed that one too. I walked away and Gandhi approached the machine, and it spewed out yet ANOTHER Dr. Pepper. What a lucky day. From now on, I will only use that drink machine. Surely if it happens once, it'll happen again.

I ran better today than i have in awhile. It seemed that my energy was boundless during practice. At least until the last 5 minutes.

We have a home game tomorrow against Pleasant Grove. Next week are State Championships.

I'm utterly disappointed. I was meant to be going to see Napoleon Dynamite with some people this friday, but I just found out that it's not playing anymore. How upsetting. I'm not sure what I'll do now. maybe there is another movie worth watching. we'll see.

time for sleep. i skipped algebra homework so that i could hit the sack, and look at me, i'm blogging.... sheesh.

goodnight, all.

streetlights shine through the shades
casting lines on the floor
and lines on his face
{listening to: fred jones, part 2 - ben folds}
{mood: sleepy, but stress-free}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you not seen napoleon? what greatness. you should go to the dollar theatre in clemson. it would be even better then because it would only be a dollar. swift huh. enjoyed the soccer game yesterday! -bethany