Wednesday, January 05, 2005

i'm okay, somehow

this semester presents an interesting challenge. it's going to require of me things that i haven't always been willing to give of myself - discipline, hard work, and motivation. not only will these three things help me in succeeding and surviving second semester of my 10th grade year, but also throughout the rest of my life.

it's not going to come instantly. rather, through late nights when i'd rather be sleeping than doing my geometry homework. or through the hours i commit to memorization of the structures of the human body. and through willingness to apply myself in spanish, despite my growing dislike for it.

the challenges that await me in the days to come seem tremendous - however, with God's help, I can hopefully attain the strengths that I need to reach the end.

i hope that everyone's semester has begun well and continues to do so until the final day...

as for me..i'm going to bed. goodnight...

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