Thursday, May 05, 2005

Is Chivalry Dead?

[disclaimer: i didn't proofread this. i'm sure that it will hop around quite a bit, and some parts not make complete sense, but it all sort of plopped out onto the page. i'm far too lazy to go back over and check for errors, i apologize. also, i'm not intending to condemn those around me and ignore the whale in my eye (or however you want to put it). this post applies to me, along with a pretty large percentage of the teenage male population of the world. it's something that has bothered me for quite awhile, and i doubt that i expressed my feelings to their full extent. if need be, more posts may come. but this is all for now.]

I've noticed a serious and unfortunate lack of gallantry in our society lately. Why? I'm sure several things could be blamed, however, I believe the root of the problem lies in the so-called "entertainment" that we are surrounded with constantly, which, in my opinion, revolves around the love of complete rubbish and foolery.

With nearly every male artist in the industry (namely those who have recently stormed the rap and r&b charts) ranting about "getting some", it should be to no surprise that the value that we place on women has been steadily declining. Don't let me give you the wrong impression, though, because the worst thing that could happen is this post coming across as an indie music follower paying his disrespects to the hip-hop scene. No, although most of you who know me know that I'm not the most "pimpin' gangsta' in the 'hood", the aim of this post wasn't to prove that. I'm only trying to point out the affect that hip-hop (and surely other genres) has had on our respect for the female population.

Following the disgusting example that some artists set before today's youth, too many "relationships" (if they are worthy to be considered as such) are entered and exited in the frightening span of sometimes only a few days. What good is this doing to teenagers? Minds are being made up that girl's feelings are as worthless as an old boot, and we boys have the permission to treat them to our liking. If we decide that we don't like one, we let them know in the least honest way as possible, then head back to the hunting grounds.

Whatever happened to being polite? Or saving "boy-talk" for when you're actually in the presence of boys? Too many times have I been a bystander of conversations where the subject-matter turned sour and the males continually toyed with perverse talk. Where on earth is the respect? I mean, seriously. What people in their right minds could possibly think that obscene humor around girls earns brownie-points? Too many. I may be fighting for a lost cause, but whether lost or not, it's certainly a cause worth fighting for.

So guys, I know it's hard, but how about holding the door open for your female friends more often? Try keeping your jokes clean when around the ladies (which should actually be done all the time, not just in the presence of women). Treat girls with all-around respect. Remember, they are someone's daughter, grand-daughter, niece, sister, and future wife. What level of respect would they have you give them? No family member wants their sister/daughter/whatever to be the brunt of some cheap joke, or to be subject to disrespect. Moreover and most importantly, all girls are the precious daughters of our Heavenly Father, who, I'm sure, could do far worse things to you for messing with them than their earthly fathers could (like wiping you from the face of the earth). God created woman to accompany man, not to be the slave of man, or to be some trophy whose purpose is solely for display. I'm not saying that every girl deserves her way every single moment of the day, but they could certainly use a little bit more love than they've been getting. Think about it.

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