Tuesday, May 17, 2005

sometimes i don't have a clue...

Let me start off by saying that I love Colin Gore. He has blessed me with an early birthday present which is a ticket to the midnight showing of Star Wars tomorrow evening, which officially kick-off my 17th birthday. It was incredibly generous of him to do such a thing, and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. But yes, I turn 17 on Thursday. This means several things.
1) I'll no longer be 16.
2) I'll recieve a full drivers license (no more of this being home before 8 o'clock nonsense)
3) I'll be merely one year from being 18
4) I'll be half way to 34
5) Um. I'll. Er. I'll be 17.


We dissected a fetal pig today in Anatomy. We do the same tomorrow and Thursday. I really hate it alot. I'd never make it in a medical profession.

One week from today, my problems will be over.

Academically, at least.

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