Sunday, December 19, 2004

be quiet, and wait for morning

i was wondering, what would happen if i climbed the top of a small tree, and jumped through the branches, and whilst in midair, made my body parallel to the ground and simply let my self fall. what would it feel like? i can't imagine it would be pleasant. the image that i have in my mind is somewhat entertaining, and that's the only reason that i don't dismiss it immediately. maybe i could convince someone to do it, so that i could watch from the safety of the ground, because i doubt it would be as funny if i were the one falling.

i'm frustrated with someone right now. it's less of "angry frustration" and more of not understanding why they do the things they do.

it's sunday afternoon, and i really need to be going. where to? i'm not sure, but if i stay here i'll continue to post pointless things that interest no one.

this post is reather dreary, and i'll admit that it's very influenced by failure to walk with God closely in the past weeks. i keep telling myself, "tonight i'll read the Bible" or "i'll start praying more soon.." unfortunately, that isn't the way it works. if you're ever going to change, it takes immediate action. you need to start right away to live the way you're supposed to.

that last paragraph was more for me to sort my thoughts out and remind myself of how to live. if it helps anyone else, then good.. but i'm not trying to impress anyone..

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