Saturday, December 18, 2004

turn off the lights

my eyes drill holes in the ceiling
it's saturday, and i'm "sleeping in"
sunbeams linger at the window
another weekend begins

the rhyming scheme leaves something to be desired, but i wasn't really trying to show off my writing skills. the point is, up until today, i suffered with an inability to sleep in. this afternoon, i decided to do something about this problem. the best solution that i saw, was to gather blankets of considerable size and pin them up over my windows, thus creating an obstacle that the sunlight would have to get through before reaching my eyes. i anticipate this will dramatically increase the amount of time i sleep in the mornings which i don't have school, and dramatically increase the difficulty i have in waking up on mornings that i do have school. but for now, i'm on Christmas break [hallelujah] and waking up for school is the last thing i have to worry about.

what i'm really contemplating is whether or not to find thicker blankets...

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