Thursday, August 26, 2004

another weekends

i meant to make "weekends" one word, in case you were wondering. why? i'm not sure. there's a reason though. i just forget what it originally was.

wow, what a day. school was a mess. there were disastrous scenarios at every turn. i nearly fell asleep in history, except i was in the front row, so mr. fyock continually used me as an example in all of his illustrations, and gave me these 'all-knowing' looks. it's quite possible that he knew all about my plan of trying to sleep. it wasn't a plan, however. i just happened to get unusually sleepy in 3rd block. and his monotonous lecturing can become, well, monotonous. so monotonous, in fact, that one may find him or herself on the verge of sleeping, which is the situation i found myself in today. i also had a biology quiz today. haha. i laugh only because of how much i dislike that class. i recieved an 83, which i'm not happy with at all. and for some reason, she thought it would be a good idea to have a test on the day after a quiz, so we have a test tomorrow.

soccer practice has finally become challenging. i say 'finally' because we've had a series of easy days this week. we shouldn't have, because everyone gets out of shape and soft. i really like hard practices, to be perfectly honest. i know it sounds strange. of course i don't enjoy it while it's taking place, but after practice is over, i am happy. i came to a realization today. i am horribly out of shape for the sport of soccer. i can keep up with the rest of the team while we're running, but everyone else is in bad shape too (excluding the cross-country runners on our team). we did sprints today down the entire field. maybe 5 or 6 of them. i had another wonderful spell of becoming dizzy and not being able to see what was in front me. this was all caused by dehydration, which comes so naturally for me. i usually fail to drink enough fluid throughout the day, so it works out nicely whenever soccer practice rolls around, i'm nice and devoid of liquid. anyhow, after that, we ran a lap. then mr. harrell gave us a speech on how we needed to push hard all of the time, and get in shape. but he DID mention that i always run my butt off, along with jonathan shurden. so at least my effort is being noticed. hah. then we (varsity) ran 6 laps, and were timed. i finished 4th, with a time of 9:00 minutes. so that's about 6 minutes per mile. not bad. but not great. then we juggled. did sprints, then finished with a drill. it was a good practice, i must say. i'm enjoying the increased work.

i went to the leinbach's for dinner. had spaghetti, and it was delicious. i did my homework there, and then took a nap. THEN anna came and picked me up and now i'm here. and i'm very out of it. you know how you feel after taking a nap in the middle of the day? it's the dumpiest feeling in the world. i think i need to go to bed.

haha, oh yeah. i attended a basketball meeting today at lunch. not because i plan on playing, but because i was...curious. i almost thought about having second thoughts about maybe playing. haha. wow. what a confusing sentence. anyways. you know what i mean. but i doubt i'll play. it was just a thought.

hmm. bedtime.

[listening to: rooney]
[mood: spaced out]

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