Tuesday, November 16, 2004

there's an angel by your hospital bed

tonight i am:
- exhausted
- worried
- nervous
- busy
- urgent
- encouraged

you may be wondering why, in the midst of so many discouraging factors, i could possibly be encouraged. i'm encouraged because i see this week as, although lacking brightness at the moment, a chance for God to work His will out in my life, and further reveal Himself to me. it's not the first time. it's hard to completely fall back on this way of thinking, because there is so much on my mind that concerns me... but i've had to do this in the past. and i've discovered that i can let go of my own desire to control my life so much more confidently when i know that i'll be falling into the hands of my Creator.

there are a number of things going on. a test in history tomorrow, end of chapter questions due tomorrow, and ordeal that the entire GCS high school seems to play some part in, and an all-around rest deprivation.

somehow i'm not freaking out or having a nervous breakdown or anything... which is very untypical...because by this point i'd usually be beyond the point of writing anything nearly as upbeat as this is - even with the little bit of beat that this does have. anyhow, it's late, and i have an early morning.

goodnight, all.

[listening to: chocolate - snow patrol]
[mood: .........going to bed]

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